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ECHN P2P Leigh Works X BASIS: Coming together to move forward

Project Presentation X Pizza X Aperitivo X DJ-Set

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- RESULTS PRE​SENTATION - one week peer to peer learning with Leigh Works, UK X BASIS, IT



From 18.03. - 22.03. we welcomed the Coworking Start-Up "Leigh Works" from the UK at BASIS Vinschgau Venosta to exchange problems, solutions and to bring each other forward. This week peaks this Friday in an event where the results of the whole week will be presented.

We start at 20.30. with the presentation and afterwards we are looking forward to a pizza party with a DJ Set and a relaxed networking moment. Everyone interested is welcome. The event will be held in English and is free to attend. Only a registration via the black registration button is needed.

European Creative Hubs Network P2P Peer learning is a collaborative way of learning from each other and developing new concepts and ideas with professionals engaged in a relevant field of work. Hub managers will be selected every year to be part of a 5-days long peer-to-peer exchange that aims to engage leading, established, and innovative creative hubs with peers from emerging creative hubs across Europe. The idea of the exchanges is to:

  • Seek new formats of cross-sectoral cooperation. 
  • Initiate projects of co-creation or collaborative plans. 
  • Share knowledge and expertise across Europe.