Tanzen ist auch Sport X Kasino Live
Gemeinsam mit Tanzen ist auch Sport veranstalten wir einen Elektronik Abend der Sonderklasse. Ab 19:00 Uhr laden wir zum Plausch in der Bar und relativ pünktlich um 20:00 Uhr beginnen zwei außergewöhnliche Elektronische Live Konzerte. Weil dann alle schon warm getanzt sein werden, geht das Programm direkt in ein Clubbing über. Bei diesem Abend werden sicher alle auf ihre Kosten kommen. Wir freuen uns!
#Live Elektronik #Techno #House
Open Doors: 19:00 Uhr
End: 04:00
20:00 - Zolf & Saturn (Live, IT)
22:00 - LBT (Acoustic Techno Band, DE)
23:30 - Davide Piras (DJ Set, IT)
01:30 - Lois Lane (DJ Set, IT)
10€ < 22:00 Uhr > 15€
Wir bitten um Voranmeldung.
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Live Techno. Achieved purely acoustically on piano, bass and drums without computers or synthesizers. From lyrical to minimal, deep to industrial: the sound of LBT is multifaceted while being constantly pushed forward by a pulsing bass drum. Their music is a journey within, inviting dreams and ecstatic dancing alike. Having grown up on modern jazz, this trio takes its true love seriously: improvisation. One might hear delicate phrasing from the piano or its strings prepared with guitar picks, the bass bowed beautifully or nearly chopped to pieces, and the drums fully exhausted from fine rustling to mighty grooves.
Leo Betzl - piano
Maximilian Hirning - bass
Sebastian Wolfgruber - drums
Zolf & Saturn (IT)
Music for vagabonds (Bolzano / Italy)
A rolling one-man caravan that travels trough a unique cosmos of dense soundscape and pulsing beats. ZOLF & SATURNS music is a vagabond, set out to be inspired by sounds and music from all over the world. The music could be described as electronic world music. On stage the music is played live with various synthesizers, Ableton Live, a slide guitar, a Turkish guitar and a voice immersed in reverb.
Davide Piras (IT)
Shadow and light together are a common sight. Producer, Dj and live-act Davide Piras nourishes his mind from both, thus trying to improve and investigate any possibilities of post-techno and experimental electronic music. Ever since the young autodidact from Northern Italy started producing his own music, his outputs are floating within the irresistible oblivion on the brink of house and techno. The impossibility of classifying his music became Davide’s greatest strength, shaping his rich and diverse path. He turns into DJ Chupacabra when it comes to more playful and housey stuff.
Previous music released on labels like Subwax, HAWS, Carpet & Snares and DR. Banana, Davide keeps it underground with more releases on outlets like Shall Not Fade, Suburban Avenue, DANSU Discs and many more…
As a Dj and live-act he performed in clubs and festivals in Portugal, United Kingdom, Spain, Croatia and many other european underground music capitals. Davide is also part of the international artist collective WupWup/Tanzen Ist Auch Sport, with whom he plays regularly in his homeland South Tyrol and beyond.
Lois Lane (IT)
Unter seinem Alter Ego Lois Lane, hat Alexander Ebner sich eine Spielweise geschaffen, auf der sein Technogeist mit seiner Punkischen Haltung synnergiert. Er produziert anspruchsvollere Musik, ohne irgendwelchen Leitlinien zu folgen oder Grenzen zu beachten. In seinen DJ-Sets stellt er Generes in den Hintergrund, um neue Dynamiken zu entwickeln. Vergangene Events umfassen Veranstaltungen in Kunstgalerien, Lokalen Clubs und im Ausland, wie Kater Holzig in Berlin oder Kong in München, Kultur Manifeste oder Festivals.