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Break the silos #2: Fast forward the cultural mycelium

Fast forward the cultural mycelium

Registrations Closed

Die Kultur im Austausch 

Am Donnerstag 15. Dezember findet im MUSEION in Bozen eine von BASIS Vinschgau Venosta kuratierte Veranstaltung statt. Im Mittelpunkt steht der Wunsch, das lokale kulturelle Umfeld zu inspirieren, zu erneuern, zu aktivieren und zu unterstützen. 

Der konkrete Austausch zwischen den Kulturakteuren Südtirols und der internationale Input durch Mark Angelo Harrision und Deborah Griffith von Spiral Tribe/Dharma Techno soll neue Wege für gegenwärtige und zukünftige Generationen offenlegen.

Die Veranstaltung beinhaltet eine Führung mit Bart van der Heide und dem Diogo Passarinho Studio, Präsentationen von Liese Kingma, Ella Overkleeft, Hannes Götsch, Simon Öggl und Sir Gulliver Klauser. Zudem eine internationale Diskussion mit Mark Angelo Harrision und Deborah Griffith sowie einen musikalischen Ausklang mit dem Live Set von {ø_ø} (Simon Öggl). 

Das gesamte Event ist kostenlos und findet in englischer Sprache statt. Einige Formate benötigen jedoch eine Anmeldung. Mehr Informationen zur Veranstaltung und die Links zur Registrierung findet ihr hier.

5 - 7 pm

Behind closed doors Round table

(Focus: Community care – fast forward the cultural mycelium)

Are you a South Tyrolean artist, activist, space maker or cultural player? Would you like to think actively about how to improve the independent cultural context in this region? Have you got an opinion about what is needed to improve access to spaces and integral collaboration within culture?
Limited places, register

7 - 8.30 pm

Designing an Exhibition

The Diogo Passarinho Studio and director Bart van der Heide will accompany visitors in a special tour of the Kingdom of the Ill exhibition that will explore the birth of the exhibition and the process behind its design.

Limited places, register here

8.30 - 9 pm

Event opening and presentation of visuals

with Liese Kingma, Ella Overkleeft, Hannes Götsch, Sir Gulliver Klauser and {ø_ø} (Simon Öggl)

Visuals by Sir Gulliver Klauser (Bolzano)

9 - 10.30 pm 

In exchange with Spiral Tribe/Dharma Techno (UK, France): 

 SPIRAL TRIBE/Dharma Techno (UK, France)  Moderated by: Ella Overkleeft (Rural Radicals, SE), Liese Kingma (Space of Urgency, DE)

Mark Angelo Harrison and Deborah Griffith from the legendary (Spiral Tribe/SP23 Uk, France) will exchange unique experiences, knowhow and regarding activism and community care and health, to translocally infuse South Tyrol's cultural mycelium.

10.30 - 00 pm

Live set with {ø_ø} (Simon Öggl) (Silandro/Vienna)

Visuals by Sir Gulliver Klauser (Bolzano)

Break the silos #2: Fast forward the cultural mycelium

BASIS in collaboration with Museion (Thursday 15 December from 5 PM)

A day of events to inspire, innovate, activate, support the local community, and open up new cultural paths for current and future generations

 On Thursday 15 December 2022, from 5pm to midnight, Museion will host Break the silos #2 – Fast forward the cultural mycelium, a day of activities produced in collaboration with BASIS Vinschgau Venosta on the occasion of the exhibition Kingdom of the Ill. Initiated by and for the community and hosted the first time as part of DenkMal Festival at Basis earlier this year, Break the Silos#1,  drew attention to the need for multidisciplinary spaces for young creatives in South Tyrol. For its second chapter at MUSEION, curated by Space of Urgency and Rural Radicals, a special focus on mental health will be added to this agenda.

Break the silos #2 aims to empower the local cultural mycelium by collecting and sharing the community´s stories, strategies and tools in an exchange of trans-local knowhow focused on artists, urban activists and representatives of pioneering projects. In this regard, the event can be seen in close affinity to earlier events organized at Museion, such as OCCUPY Museion, Nach-Zwischen-Neunutzung organized by Club Alpbach South Tyrol and the performative symposium Opening the Pill.  A Mycelium in botany refers to the mass of single or multicellular filaments that forms the body of a fungus. In the same way, Break the silos #2 speaks of a cultural mycelium that asks questions about the health of its numerous parts, which include people, approaches and spaces. This day aims to respond to the needs of current realities and cultural players and facilitate their cooperation, starting with an invitation to unlearn in order to re-imagine better futures.

The day starts with a round table for sector operators and local cultural activists. The momentum will be used to share stories, challenges, urgencies and visions in order to create a roadmap for achieving common goals. For the cross-pollination of translocal knowhow, Mark Angelo Harrision and Deborah Griffith of the legendary Spiral Tribe/ Dharma Techno (UK, France)  are invited to exchange tools and strategies regarding rave-activism and community care intended to fuel and fast forward the cultural mycelium of South Tyrol. There will also be a special tour of the Kingdom of the Illexhibition with the Diogo Passarinho Studio and director Bart van der Heide; and a public session dedicated to the cultural situation in South Tyrol. The latter will feature the presentation of an artwork specifically created for the occasion and a conversation with a presenter in which visitors can actively take part. All results, visions and questions will be collected in order to lay foundations for further reflection and development of the Break the silos program. This will be followed by an open conversation regarding cultural spaces, starting with the demolition of the Caserma Druso Barracks in Silandro. The event will end with an electronic live set by {ø_ø} (Simon Öggl).