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Island of Roses - HIP HOP FEST

Fid Mella, Triflusso, Twit One and many many more

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An event to connect the hip-hop culture of our lands!

“Island of Roses” is a moment of connection for the hip-hop music, community and culture of South Tyrol through a day and night event.

Open mic | 3 guests artists | graffiti | skate & bmx | food & drinks | shops


15:00 - Start
15:00 - 22:00 - Open Mic & A Bunch Of Local Crews
22:00 - Fid Mella 
23:00 - Twit One
00:00 - Triflusso
01:00 - 04:00 - Open Decks / Open Mic

Entry: Pay as you can 

Hip Hop is back in Town!

Fid Mella




Twit One